Implementation of green banking on six bank first mover pilot projects in Indonesia based on the Green Coin Rating (GCR) in the 2022 period
GCR, Green Banking, Green Coin Rating, Pilot Project, Sustainability ReportAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of Green Banking on Six Bank First Mover Pilot Projects in Indonesia based on the Green Coin Rating (GCR) in the 2022 period. This research is a descriptive analytical method using case studies, namely by collecting information related to objects, subjects, and events that occurred in the Six Bank First Mover Pilot Projects in Indonesia. Green Banking Implementation at six first mover pilot project banks in Indonesia in the 2022 period indicates an illustration of the efforts that have been made by companies to provide benefits and minimize negative impacts on the environment. From the analysis results, it can be seen that the efforts made by the company are classified into six categories, namely Carbon Emissions, Green Rewards, Green Building, Reuse/Recycle/Refurbish, Paper Work or Paperless, and Green Investment. Carbon Emissions describes the company's efforts to minimize the carbon levels produced, which is also one of the highest categories that has been implemented by all the first mover pilot project companies studied
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