Analysis Of The Impact Of Company Size On Systemic Risk Based On Capital Asset Pricing Model In Food And Beverages Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2009-2011
Firm Size, Systematic Risk, Impact Of Company SizeAbstract
Before investing, investors should consider the stock beta as a measure of systematic risk. By knowing beta stocks investors can directly determine the sensitivity of the return securities market returns. By knowing the sensitivity return, it automatically investors would be able to assess how much risk it will face when investing their funds in the company's stock. Investors can also adjust the investment that is fit to return they want to earn. This study aim is to determine the impact of company size on systematic risk based capital asset pricing models. Population of this study are all food and beverages manufacturing companies listed (listing) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2009 to 2011. There are 16 companies that fit in the criteria and the sample was 12 companies. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. Results of this study showed that the size of the company significant positive effect on the systematic risk with adjusted R square value of 0.994, which means the size of the company has a strong influence in predicting systematic risk.
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