The role of work motivation and work environment on employee performance in Ciomas District, Serang Regency
Employee Performance, Work Environment, Work MotivationAbstract
Human resource management is an instrument that can provide directed task allocation. In reality, the achievement of a job done by every employee in a government organization includes meeting the needs in the form of adequate work facilities and appreciation for every work achievement they do. This study aims to determine the variables that affect employee performance and develop a theoretical basis and research model. This study uses an associative descriptive quantitative method with a population of 30 respondents drawn into a sample using non-probability sampling, using the saturated sampling method / total selection. The data analysis technique uses linear regression with the help of SPSS software version 26. The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis states that employee performance is influenced by work motivation. Then, the second hypothesis states that the work environment has no significant effect on employee performance. The third hypothesis, employee performance, is influenced by work motivation and work environment, which can simultaneously improve employee performance. This research is expected to make a theoretical contribution to the literature in this context, of course, in the context of human resource management.
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